Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Richardson's Blog

On Will's blog, concerning the University of Michigan degree in Social Computing, I was actually surprised Will was not excited about it. Personally, it is not a degree I would want or find interesting, but I thought Will would be thrilled about it. Needless to say, the comments following his post were helpful in defining what Will was trying to say.

I did not think about the situation like Will did. I thought that if they are offering a degree with all of those classes, which sounded like they complemented each other, then why was Will complaining? Isn't this what he wanted?

Then I saw what he meant: literacy does not have to come straight from the classroom. I see his point, and I understand it.

However, for those people who need help in that area, isn't the classroom a good way to get to know media literacy? I mean, ENG307 is in a classroom, but it is not the traditional classroom, and I have never had a class like it before. So, technically speaking, I think the definition of "classroom" Will is referring to is a traditional one.

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