Friday, April 20, 2007

Media Literacy Project Update

Jami and I met today to continue our media literacy project. We decided that we would have students critically analyze different web sites (,,,,, and They would look through these sites to find out what each site considers to be "credible" information. The students will decide what the "truth" is on each site. How does each site show the truth? Are there multiple truths shown? Is there even any truths shown? Then the students would do a presentation with their group using some sort of technology (podcast, publisher, imovie, iweb, wiki, powerpoint). And then they would have a reflection piece post-presentation by blogging on their individual sites about another group's presentation (they have guidelines). Overall, we think this assignment would be fun for the students, and we have a beginning part where we explain what exactly credibility and the truth is with a comparison between 1965 and 2007 themes.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HI Staci, how will students know how to determine what's "true" on these various sites? How does your lesson take students through examples (modeling) of sites where you have used specific critical tools to sift truth from fiction??