Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Meeting the Standards

Based on the standards set by NCATE/NCTE, my role as an educator will be drastically different than the role of my educators when I was in elementary through high school. In today's generation, my role is to enhance my students' abilities to communicate not only effectively but multidimensionally.

One of the most important standards that I feel will make my job as an educator prolific is "Help students compose and respond to film, video, graphic, photographic, audio, and multimedia texts and use current technology to enhance their own learning and reflection on teaching. " I believe that students truly need to understand material before they can utilize it. By "composing", or making their own, material the students will gain independence from the latches of the teacher's grasp.

In addition, I feel that reflection, in terms of Bloom's Taxonomy, is the most important element of learning. A student that can comprehend and then reflect on herself and society allows a person to become intrinsically motivated toward becoming an effective citizen.

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