Sunday, January 28, 2007

iweb group update

I am in the iweb group with Kaitlin, Phil, and Jo. Since most of us in the class are teachers, we thought we would do an in-depth analysis on how each of the different technology programs (podcasts, wikis, blogs, and iweb) can be used effectively in the classroom. Each of us is conquering a different topic, so we will have a layout that allows the viewer to click on each of us to find out more about how to use our topic (ie podcasts) in the classroom...this is our plan, and we think it will be helpful to future teachers. We hope you all enjoy it as well!

1 comment:

Willis said...

I'm in the iWeb group as well. Theresa and Barb and I are going to do our on the extra curricular activities at Cortland kind of thing. We got the idea because I play lacrosse and Theresa is involved with dance here, so I'm sure we could come together to make it pretty good. Hopefully both our groups can help each other out! Good to have you in another class with me as well :)