Saturday, April 28, 2007

Are We Re-evolutionzing or De-evolutionizing?

So I have had a conversation with a few of my "colleagues" about how we are changing as a species. As the current news states, thumb surgery is very popular. Video games, texting, etc. are causing major pain as well as disabilities to form in humans.

Look, we are different from our primate friends becase we have opposable thumbs. How long will this difference last? Remember in science class that we learned evolution occurs because we adapt to new surroundings and conditions. Well, if the world of using your thumbs because so much more common, yet our thumbs deteriorate, maybe our body structure will change. Here are my predictions:
- we will become hunchback slowly, as we battle with scoliosis and terrible sitting and standing posture (ie kids in the classroom)
- then we will continue to shrink in size because we take more vitamins for things can food now-a-days (ie diet crazes)
- we will have thumbs twice the size as they are now
- we will develop a 6th finger!

Let's wait and see...


CHARITY said...

Staci--I was hoping you would post about that conversation we had. I was tempted to write about it too but it slipped my mind with everything else I have to do (end of the semester crunch/senioritis) I think that is a fascinating thing to ponder about...hmmmmmmmmm

Barb Hollings said...

All I can say is, I'm glad I'm living now and not in the future! I'm not too sure about those bigger thumbs and that hunchback. I have heard of people who have had six fingers though. Apparently Henry the VIII's second wife, Anne Boelyn, had six fingers on one hand. Supposedly it is why she wore the type of sleeves that she did, they were designed to cover-up the extra finger. From what I understand, having a sixth finger was equated with being a witch. Not sure how true that is, but it sure is an interesting detail!